You don't really expect me to touch that thing, do you?A dummy before its make-over.
A dummy with wings...
And a dummy dressed like a bunny!
Brilliant Disguise
I learned at my recent doggie training class that in the retrieving doggie world, it's not about playing the game, it's about finding the game. Doggies like me are supposed to help their person/hunter by sniffing out the birds, ducks, bunnies and hares that the hunter has killed - and bring them back to the hunter's hand in one piece.
Readers please remember that I am just a young doggie - barely two years old - and a new-beginner in the Beginner Retriever Course. And, up until a few days ago, the only birdies I had ever paid any attention to were the magpies in my backyard. But at doggie training, instead of retrieving a dummy I was supposed to bring back a dead duck. It was the wierdest thing I'd ever poked my nose in - those feathers and everything - no way, no how.
But my trainers are very clever - they have devised a way to dress the dummy like a bird - with wings and everything. That way I can get used to these feathered friends gradually. I even have a big furry dummy that's dressed like a bunny. What will they think of next?