I'm getting lots of rest

It won't be long before I'm ready for action once again
Down but not out
I've been feeling a little down lately and it's all because of worms. First my vet thought it was kennel cough but after closer investigation (I'll spare you the delicate details), she discovered that it was worms. Awful creatures. She gave me some turbo-charged medicine that's not only supposed to kill the worms it helps prevent fleas, ear mites, fox mange and more worms. Pretty strong stuff. Let's hope the pharmaceutical company is not over-promising!
Apparently these worms are quite common in my part of the woods. Puppies like me eat things we're not supposed to - particularly forrest and garden snails. Snails like to eat fox droppings and we all know the company foxes keep. So there are a lot of doggies in my area who are infected. Bummer.