Tuesday, April 05, 2011


The evidence: bunny undressed and legless. Notice the black doggy hairs on and near the body.

Suspect No. 1 says "It wasn't me."

Suspect No. 2 says "It wasn't me either."


Anonymous said...

I think it is No. 1 she loves Rabbit Hunting. To meet one who does not run it must be the greatest happiness. Yes it is No. 1!
Love from Karin

Maggie said...

A true friend never reveals the secrets of another, so I will remain neutral in this discussion. I will say that my person has indicated that Suspect No. 1 has been known to chase bunnies under the woodpile in Sweden. But the evidence is very circumstantial so Suspect No 1 is innocent until caught red-handed (or black-pawed) the next time!

Anonymous said...

Dear little Mags.
Thank you for your loving loyalty. You're my best friend.
I will always protect YOU against the world's dangers and injustices.
Woof from Frida