Monday, February 27, 2006

Carnevale Time

A guy named Elvis came by...

There were carnevale buns for everyone...but me!

All dressed up
There were strange goings-on in my house yesterday. It's Carnevale time and there were all kinds of strange persons running around and knocking on doors. I don't mind. I love to answer the door and meet new visitors.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Training Buddies

Yes, I'm a family dog. But I'm not the only one.

This doggie is a family dog

And so is this doggie

The family dog group
Here are a few photos of some of my training buddies. There are ten doggies and we are divided into two groups. I'm in the group that's learning how to stay-put-in-one-place on command. In other words, no wandering off or running around. The other group is learning how to fetch a dummy and all that other hunting dog stuff. Some of the doggies in my group are naughty and haven't learned how to come when called. They like to run around and say hello to the other more well-behaved doggies. But I'm not telling which of the doggies do that. You'll have to guess.

Monday, February 13, 2006

A Great Weekend

Cousins and best friends

Monday morning blues
I had a great weekend with Tacy and I was sad to see her leave. I hope she comes again soon!

Friday, February 10, 2006

Slumber Party

Lights out at eleven

Eating piggy ears earlier today

My Favorite Cousin
My favorite cousin, Tacy, is visiting me this weekend. She is sleeping over at my house from Friday to Sunday. We've already eaten some pig ears, gone for a little walk in the woods, and played together out in the yard. Tacy is lots of fun to be with even though there are long blonde hairs on my fine black suit!

The Great Escape

Peer pressure -- it'll get you every time!

Thelma and Louise Revisited
First of all, it wasn't my idea. It was my best friend, Berta, who decided it was time for us to take off and run around in the woods for a half-an-hour or so.

Berta is a 2-year-old black lab just like me who lives nearby. We've met many times on our walks in the woods. She likes to wrestle , growl and loves doggie treats just like me, too. Her persons are very friendly and think I am really cute. Sometimes we walk together - like yesterday when my little person was out with me and we met Berta on our way. We walked for about 40 minutes - sharing a stick, wrestling and sniffing.

Suddenly Berta got the bright idea that it would be fun to take off and run around for a while. I took off after her and we were both gone, gone, gone. My person came home thinking that I ran home. But no, my big person said she hadn't seen me. So then Berta's person and two of my persons went searching for us in the woods. Luckily they didn't have to search long. We were worn out and sitting in someone's backyard waiting for something to happen. As soon as I heard my whistle and my name I came running with a big grin on my face. Berta came running too because she knows that my big person will give her a doggie treat. Berta has a bit of a weight problem and she is always on the look-out for a treat or two.

It was great fun - but something tells me that we probably won't be able to make a break for it a second time.