Thursday, December 29, 2005

White Stuff!

There's a lot of it - everywhere!

They Call It Snow

And it's cold, wet and wonderful! I like it!

Wednesday, December 28, 2005

Holiday Greetings

Look what Santa left under the tree!

There was even a little bunny just for me!

'Tis the Season to Be Jolly
I like this time of year - people coming and going, delicious smells coming from the kitchen, and there's even a tree in the living room!

I have a new toy bunny and it's just great. I chewed off its ear on Christmas eve so my persons keep it hidden and bring it out only for play time.

Snowstorm on the way. I can't wait. More news later.

Sunday, December 18, 2005

Visions of Sugar Plums

Cooling off

It's a good thing
My persons were busy today baking and making cookie houses. I circled the table a few times and managed to lick up a few delicious crumbs but mostly I slept. There's a lot to be said for long winter naps - especially when you're a growing puppy like me.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Growing Up

As of 3 December, I am six months old. No longer a baby puppy!

How big?
Normally, I don't share my vital statistics but since you asked here they are: (all measurements are approximate - I wiggle a lot!)

Height: ca. 41 inches

Weight: ca. 42 pounds

Length (not including my tail): ca. 33 inches

I have all my new teeth and they are white and sharp. But, I don't chew on things in the same way like I used to. I still like to chew on tennis balls, rawhide, soup bones, sticks, and the occassional pig's ear but when someone pets me I don't chew their hand - I lick it!

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Family Matters

For the record, kitties aren't the only ones who like to lay
in baskets

This is Cocoa. When she's not hurling soup bones across the
room she likes to relax.

This is Millie. From what I hear, she's as cool as she looks.

Kitty cousins
You may remember me mentioning my cousins Sigurd, Emma and Tacy. Well, I have more cousins, living Over There. In fact, I have 4 kitty cousins and one doggie cousin, Cocoa. I've never met them in person but I have photos.

First, there's Millie of Borton Mill. Millie wears a soft, furry tortoise-shell suit and likes to lay in baskets, play with string wands, watch birds and sniff catnip. Rumour has it that Millie may start her own kitty-blog one day soon. I can't wait!

Millie shares her home with Cocoa - an eleven-year-old rough coat collie. Cocoa owns several soup bones and spends her vacations in Mt. Laurel. Her nose is very pointy and she wears a long, furry coat - even in the summer! They say that her yard is full of birdies and she likes to play with a black lab just like me.

More about my other kitty cousins later.

Home Again

There's no place like home!

Back to normal
My persons have returned from wherever they went. I was happy and surpised to see them. Not that I didn't enjoy the time with the person who was left behind to take care of me. He did a good job and I am in great shape. But, I am glad that my pack is together once again. The only problem is that I am a bit rusty when it comes to all the tricks I learned in training this fall. I guess it's back to basics. I just hope she uses those tasty doggie treats.