Monday, December 24, 2007

Merry Christmas

My friend Frida likes to play...

She also likes to "stay"...

And she likes to take a nap once in a while.

Happy Holidays with Family and Friend
I am enjoying the holidays with my family and friend, Frida. She is staying with us this Christmas and has made the holiday time extra special with her friendly and curious personality. It's been a tail-wagging good time for us all!

Sunday, November 25, 2007

Road Trip

A Good Time Was Had By All
Today was D-Day or Dummy day - a dummy-day field trial where Frida and my other good training buddies could show our stuff. It was windy, wet and cold but the company was warm and friendly.
The field trial wasn't easy - even if it was for beginners like me. Nobody said anything about retrieving furry dummies! And, since I was one of the very last doggies to be tested, the fur on the dummies was all wet and sticky from all the other doggies. Yuck!
We were also judged on our looks. The judge liked my head but thought my back legs were a bit too skinny. Picky, picky, picky.

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Bundle of Joy

Our visitors brought something with them.

What is this little bundle?

Why it's a person! They call her Marie and she sure smells good!

Mini Person
Yesterday we had visitors and they brought along a little wiggly bundle. At first I thought it was a puppy, like me. Then I thought (feared) it might be another Tiger-kitty. But it made funny noises and didn't smell like a doggie or a kitty. It turned out to be a little person and her name is Marie. They call her a baby and everyone made a big fuss over her. She smells good - there's no doubt about that. But I don't know what all the fuss is about.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Good Looks Come Naturally

This is me.

This is my mom, Wonder.

And, this is my Dad, Match.

Ma and Pa
Now you can see why I am so pretty. Here are my parents - both very beautiful, don't you think?

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

A Grandma in the Woods

Grandma by the lake...

Hot training buddies and me

On safari in the Danish "wilderness"

My Fans
I had two observers at training this week. Luckily I did a good job though I still don't like retrieving birdies. I don't like the taste of feathers.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

The Visitor

Remember him? I'm glad he went home.

This visitor sits in a chair and scratches my tummy.

My person thinks it's funny that he is taller than she is (and she is wearing shoes).

All in all I think I like the visitor. She says her name is Grandma.

Lots of tummy scratches
A visitor has arrived at my house. She is much nicer than the last visitor we had. I don't know how long she will stay but as long as she keeps scratching my tummy and stays away from my doggie nest she can stay as long as she wants!

Monday, June 04, 2007

Two Years Old and All Grown Up

Young, smart and beautiful? Yep! That's me!


I turned two yesterday. What a great day! And, to celebrate my person took a few hops on his new trampoline! As for me, I prefer all four paws placed firmly on the ground.

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Doggie Meeting

Meet Daisy. She is a Danish champion and has a starring role in the new educational film, "Kender du en hund?", produced by the Danish Kennel Association.

Here's Daisy enjoying the coffee break.

I didn't catch this doggie's name but he had a very bushy tail.

Some doggies, like this one, enjoyed the coffee cake break.

This is Meggie. She sat next to me during the meeting.
This is Chili. She is expecting and will soon go on maternity leave.

This doggie had her hair done just for the meeting.
A meeting of minds and a wagging of tails
Yesterday my person and I attended a meeting at the Danish Kennel Association. We are applying for a volunteer position as doggie teachers to teach children between the ages of 6-10 about how to act responsibly around dogs. If we are accepted we will visit the schools in our area to talk with children about doggies.
There were many doggies who attended the meeting - big, small, white, black and brown - over 20 dogs and their persons. All of us laid under and around the meeting table while our persons talked and talked and talked. Some of the doggies barked their opinion during the meeting. There were doggie breaks and a lunch break though doggies were not allowed on the buffet table! I was tired after the meeting! All that talking wore me out.

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Happy Birthday Teenager!

Good morning and happy birthday!

Birthday greetings from near and far...

It's great to be 13!
Lucky 13
Birthday greetings for my person and everyone who celebrates their birthday in April!

Thursday, April 26, 2007

They Call It Puppy Love

He's a Cutie
My person went to a doggie training session for people only but there were doggies there who were not in my training class. In particular, one named Jack, a 10 week old yellow labbie who I was told (many times) is a real cutie. Judge for yourself.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Family Ties

Dundee is his name and winning is his game...!

That's me to the left and my sister Fie to the right
Dundee, Fie and Me
A few of the doggies in my training class are related. Fie is my sister and Dundee, Fie and I have the same mother, whose name is Wonder. Dundee is only 15 months old and has already won many awards for best puppy! Fie and I are still working at it...

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Winging It

You don't really expect me to touch that thing, do you?

A dummy before its make-over.
A dummy with wings...

And a dummy dressed like a bunny!

Brilliant Disguise
I learned at my recent doggie training class that in the retrieving doggie world, it's not about playing the game, it's about finding the game. Doggies like me are supposed to help their person/hunter by sniffing out the birds, ducks, bunnies and hares that the hunter has killed - and bring them back to the hunter's hand in one piece.
Readers please remember that I am just a young doggie - barely two years old - and a new-beginner in the Beginner Retriever Course. And, up until a few days ago, the only birdies I had ever paid any attention to were the magpies in my backyard. But at doggie training, instead of retrieving a dummy I was supposed to bring back a dead duck. It was the wierdest thing I'd ever poked my nose in - those feathers and everything - no way, no how.
But my trainers are very clever - they have devised a way to dress the dummy like a bird - with wings and everything. That way I can get used to these feathered friends gradually. I even have a big furry dummy that's dressed like a bunny. What will they think of next?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Happy Easter

In search of the Easter Bunny...

Did someone say Easter Bunny?

Easter bunny eggs but no Easter bunny...

Here's another Easter bunny egg. I wonder what's inside...

Doggie treats but no Easter Bunny...


Sunday, March 18, 2007

Piece of Cake

The whole thing was really quite fun!

Sitting and staying...
Points-off for sniffing the judge for doggie treats...
This is my official diploma.
Officially Obedient
I passed my obedience test, with flying colors! It went very well and I enjoyed the excitement of seeing all the other retriever doggies. The weather was beautiful, though it was pouring rain when we left the house. All my persons came along for moral support. And, there were a few training colleagues who were there to cheer me on. Congratulations to Barny - who also passed his test today. All I want to do now is take a nap.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Arthur, Luca and Me

Arthur and I go way back. We met at puppy training.

This is Luca - looking very dapper in his green jacket.

Forest Friends
I am in the Beginner Retriever class with many other doggies. The doggies that I like to train with are Arthur and Luca. Arthur and I have trained together since we were 12 weeks old. He's a hunting dog - but don't hold that against him! He's a nice doggie and likes to stir things up.
Luca is a show dog. He is 3 years old and has won many prizes for being such a pretty doggie. He's quite the gentleman as you can see in the photo. He likes to wear his fine jacket while he waits to do his retriever-thing. They say it helps prevent "cold tail" syndrome! He is very easy-going and never gets bothered about anything.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Sit. Stay.

Do I get the doggie treat now or later?

What's going on over there?

Looks interesting...

Oh yeah, I better pay attention...

How long do I have to sit here and wait...
Practice makes perfect
I am busy practicing my sit and stay trick. It's hard but I can do it!