Sunday, February 24, 2008

A First-Prize Beginner

I'm quite satisfied with my performance today if I do say so myself!

This is what first-time first-prize winners look like after they come home. The beer glass is our first-prize.

Here are two of my training buddies - also first-prize winners!

The Thrill of Victory
And they said it couldn't be done! Today my person (a family person) and I (a family dog) won our very first first-prize at a C-field trial for doggies like me. Lucky for us there were no birdies and no water -- just dummies (some with fur), which are my speciality.
My person was very nervous - so nervous that when it was time to walk off-lead from one disipline to the other she kept telling me to heel even though I was heeling just fine. It's a good thing my person isn't a hunter because she would scare all the birds and rabbits away with her -- how-can-I-put-it -- rather loud commands. I must say I was a bit embarrassed. But since we won first prize I think I can forgive her this once.

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