Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cookie Crumbs in My Bed

Here I am enjoying a little biscuit in my new bed. Notice Burglar Bill - he doesn't dare try to steal my cookie!

4 comments: said...

Hej Maggie,
Tusind tak for sidst - jeg synes, at det var rigtig sjovt at være i Bølleljungen sammen med dig. Min Mor og de andre talte i en uendelighed til søndagstræningen om, hvor lækre din Mors cup-cakes havde været!
Det er en flot blog du har, med gode billeder af dig og Frida. Jeg glæder mig, til vi ses til træning. Jeg håber, at du kommer d. 26. Så kunne vi jo lave nogle tricks, f.eks. stikke af sammen ind i skoven, hvis de laver øvelserne for kedelige for os.


Magsen said...

Thank you Luna - you are the first doggy who has commented in my blog! I am happy you found it because I think Karen gave you the wrong url name. Yes, I am coming to training on the 26th -- min mor synes jeg trænger til det. Og på fredag, kommer Frida hos mig som ferie gæst så der er nok et par billeder mere til at kigge på. Måske kommer du også med på bloggen!

knus fra Magsen said...

Great, that we'll be seeing each other on th 26th! You lucky doggie, having Frida staying with you at home next weekend.

Last Saturday evening , I had a tiny visitor: A Danish-Swedish farmer's dog(! dansk-svensk gårdhund). 9 weeks old and only 3,5kg. He was lying in my bed, jumping up in my face, and snapping at my ear. But I was veeery patient with him (maybe because my mum stood behind me...). At a certain point, I stood simulating talking to him and looking at him friendly, with my tail wagging:... But then SNAP, I re-conquered my favorite toy, that he had naughtily taken from me. Just to tell him, who was the Mistress here, I made my toy elephant say PIUW-PIUW as loudly as I could.
Big lab-hugs to you from

Maggie said...

Yes, Luna I understand exactly what you are talking about. Puppies can be peeving. Look here: